It's A Full Day Of Changes!
This morning I woke up to only 2 of my children living in my house. Greg left for UNI last night. At first I was a bit nervous cause he was leaving at midnight. It felt like he was sneaking out while we slept and running away. In reality it was kind of nice to not have the emotional part of this morning. I kissed him good bye and told him I loved him and was proud of him before I went to bed. When I got up this morning a new chapter in my life had started. Needless to say we have spoken several times already today as he moves in and unpacks. He left me a list of what to bring up when I come on Saturday and has been adding to it! Jenna and Taylor started school today. Jenna beginning her junior year and Taylor his freshman year. Time really flies by when you are having too much fun! They did not want me to take the annual first day of school picture so we skipped that part. I look forward to them coming home and te...