Hmmm...time for change?

Reflection time..ok maybe a little venting as well. I am facing some health issues. High cholesterol, overweight....and the list goes on. But ya know? So are many people. I need to address these issues immediately...however I am finding this is easier said than done. I have been reading How Not To Die by Dr. Greger. I also have been spending time on pinterest searching for ideas on what to eat. So far, I feel better but no weight is going anywhere. I know I have a long way to go. Dr Greger promotes a plant based lifestyle. One without white flour, processed food, added sugar or oil. Lots of plant based foods, whole proteins and raw foods. What frustrates me the most is that my doctor wrote on my test results that had to join a certain diet group and lose weight immediately. I don't feel that lifestyle is best for my health, and it's expensive. Why does everyone thing...