Roots part 1

While exploring this weekend, I found a great old tree to lean against and watch the world go by. This tree had a widespread root system. Both underground and on top of it. To survive it needs this large root system. Without it, it would fall over, not be fed, and die. This is like us. The parts of us that are "underground" feed us nutrients. These nutrients come from our family heritage, our environment, our experiences, and our community. However, what about the parts of us that show above the surface? These are what show to the world. How we present ourselves to others. Where do these come from? Partly from the same place as the underground ones. Other input comes from what we eat, how we handle stress, our habits, our faith and many others. How do we keep our root system healthy and strong? One way is to embrace our uniqueness. God made us in his image, but he also gave us indivi...