Monday..positivity or ... ?
Well, it's Monday again. What did your weekend bring? Good choices or not so good choices?
I tried to make good choices. I followed my workout schedule. I didn't drink alcohol. I had limited soda and lots of water. I even tried making a new recipe!
However, some choices were not so good....I finished off the bag of m&ms by myself even though it said shareable size. I also ate a few more pieces of cake than I should have.
Am I gonna look back and say it was a bad weekend? No! I am going to choose to look at the positives. I got to enjoy time with my grandson and my family. I enjoyed a time of worship and a powerful message on spiritual warfare. I visited with my 94 year old grandmother. I worked in the garden. God watered myflowers, trees and veggie plants.
Today's verse is from Proverbs 17:22..." A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
How is your heart today? Joyful and positive? Take joy in your world and enjoy all that God has provided for you!
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