Roots part 2

May you roots go long and deep and also widen everyday.  Just as a healthy plant, we need to have a growing root system to keep us healthy and thriving.  The other day I pulled out a basil plant from our garden.  The frost had made the leaves and stem turned brown and crunchy.  It didn't appear to be alive anymore and had become an eyesore in the garden.  As I pulled it out of the ground I was amazed at how tightly it was stuck.  The dirt was trying to pull it back.  I really had to tug and use my hands to loosen the dirt around it.  When I finally freed the plant from the dirt and saw  the root system being freed, I gasped.  It ran almost all the way across the raised garden bed.  The root ran in all directions. It wasn't just one piece but many pieces interconnected. 

So how is this plant like a human?  We also have a root system.  One that is started for us in our dna. It continues with our family heritage. Added to by our experiences and influences. Increased by our choices.  Strengthened by healthy living, clean environments and exercise. However it also can be damaged by unhealthy foods, lack of exercise, illness and our environment.

It is up to us to expand and strengthen our root system.  It helps us stand strong and firm during the storms of our lives.  How we respond to the storms also can affect our roots.  Diversity, grief, strife and illness can destroy  us but only if we let it. These things accompanied by faith, love, healing and patience can strengthen us for future. 

Choose joy, choose happiness, give kindness and patience.  Not only are you affecting your roots but the ones of the people around you. 

Colossians 2:7 says "Let your roots grow down into him, and your lives be built on him.  Then your faith will grown strong it the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. "


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