Full circle once again!

Funny how life brings us in full circles when we least expect it?  Yesterday I made my first batch of homemade granola.  It smelled delicious in the oven.  And looked wonderful cooling on the table.  I am looking forward to having some on my yogurt!  However, laying in bed last night I was reminded of how many times my mother had made granola and how I hated it.  I dreaded having it for breakfast.  I remember not liking how it smelled at that time.. I wonder how my children will feel about my granola?  Will they eat it or will they turn their noses up at it like I did as a child? 

I hope that someday my children will look back on the things I have done and come full circle as well.  Maybe they will find out I was not as crazy as I appear and that their tastes will change as well. 

Maybe I should look thru mom's recipes to find more that I want to try now- maybe I will even come across her granola recipe!


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